Kelp Forests of the Salish Sea

Kelp Forests of the Pacific Northwest Rocky shores lined with towering trees aren’t the only iconic and impressive forests that can be found here in the Salish Sea. Unlike the forests lining the shore, kelp forests are just as lush but are found below the surface of our cold, nutrient-rich waters. You’ve probably seen their […]

Bigg’s Killer Whales of the Salish Sea

Bigg’s Killer Whales of the Salish Sea There are two main types of Killer whales that frequent the Salish Sea. Bigg’s killer whales (also known as Transients), and Southern Resident killer whales. Today we’ll introduce you to Bigg’s killer whales! Referred to as “transients” by marine researcher Dr. Michael Bigg, due to their unpredictable and […]